Why Learn a language?
Foreign language is often a requirement for students in schools, principally in high school or college. Today these requirements are changing, depending on the school location and the state in which students reside but more and more Primary schools offer foreign languages too. The challenges of these classes for the student and you as a parent can be seen as a pressure, an importance of initiating one’s mind to learning about and embracing other cultures.
You might remember when you took a foreign language course for a couple of years in college or high school, the language never quite took root, most likely a few words or phrases here and there. Starting as early as two years old, children from a young age benefit enormously of learning a foreign language. Early life brains absorb a foreign language at an impressive rate. Not only that, but children are essentially able to learn and pronounce a language correctly and without an accent.

1. More than any other area of learning, the process of learning a language challenges the brain and improves cognitive and social-emotional development, learning, and the chance for long-term success.
These are powerful changes that make a lifetime of difference.
2. The physical changes in the brain manifest with important intellectual developments:
- Improved deductive reasoning;
- Increases critical thinking;
- Faster decision making;
- Improved memory; and
- More creativity
3. The flow-on effect of learning a language impacts on virtually every area of life:
- Improved academic performance;
- Improved language skills;
- Increased self-confidence and social skills; and
- Understanding and respect for other cultures
Get In Touch!
I set clear lesson plans to ensure every child’s ability is catered for. Lessons include visual, logical, verbal, aural and physical activities and tasks. Each session includes singing, music, story-telling, games and art to meet the needs of all learner styles
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